Midreshet Amit


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Parshat Bo

By: Shayna Brenman

This weeks parsha, Parshat Bo continues the story of the makot which began in Parshat V'aera. V'aera talks about the first seven makot that Hashem spread over Mitzrayim. Parshat Bo, describes the last three makot - Arbeh (locusts) Choshech (darkness) and Makat Bechorot (killing of the first male born). While clearly for the Egyptians it was a hard and stressful time, for Bnei Yisrael it was a time of anticipating their time to be free and be able to live on their own. Egypt would make no more demands on the nation and Bnei Yisrael were finally able to have the life that Hashem once promised.In the middle of the parsha, Hashem gives Bnei Yisrael the mitzva of Rosh Chodesh. Through this first mitzvah, Bnei Yisrael are finally able to be in control of their own destiny and their lives. Rosh Chodesh was the perfect mitzvah to symbolize that idea. Just as the moon disappears, but returns and strengthens again, so too, Bnei Yisrael lost their ability to control their own destiny but Hashem gave that strength back to them in our Parsha.

There is a beautiful connection between the mitzvah of Rosh Chodesh and Tu Bishvat which we are going to celebrate in just a few weeks. Tu B'Shvat is the start of the blossoms-- and after a long winter, Eretz Yisrael becomes alive again and we start to see what Hashem has given us for the year to come.

Yetziat Metzrayim, Kidush Hachodesh, and Tu'Bishvat are all turning points for Bnei Yisrael as we embark on our new journey--as a new nation, every year and every month.

Shayna Brenman comes to AMIT from Toronto Canada and is attending George Brown College next year. Shayna said, "This week I had the amazing privilege with a few of my peers to help prepare and attend a joint Bat Mitzvah. The joy that was felt both by the Israelis and the Americans was unbelievable. The American families got to see all the work that we do here at Beit Hayeled and their interactions with the Bat Mitzvah girl was really heartwarming."
