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"Lech Lecha": Then and Now

By: Carlie Frucher and Raquel Alpert

Can you imagine leaving everything you’ve ever known, and going to an unfamiliar place without your family, friends, and comforts? We can. Avraham, in parshat Lech Lecha, was instructed by Hashem to pick up and go to an undisclosed location, trusting Hashem to lead the way.

Interestingly, Avraham already started this journey to Cana'an in Parshat Noach

Why does Hashem instruct Avraham to do something he was already doing? and what are we supposed to learn from Avrahams journey?

In Sefer Breisheet the concept of Ma’aseh Avot Siman Le’Banim appears often: It means whatever happens to the Avot in the Torah will foreshadow what will happen to the Jewish people in history. When Avraham was on his way to Cana'an, he went just because his father said let’s move there. It was not because of a divine command. When Hashem tells him to go to Cana'an, he continues his journey to that location for a divine mission. The Parsha begins with words “lech lecha”, Go to yourself. Avraham is told to go to himself meaning to go to a place where he can be the best version of himself.

This year, we all packed up and moved to a place unaware of where our lives would take us. We are put on this path to go find ourselves just like Avraham. Similar to Avraham who was coming anyways to the land of Cana'an and not only because Hashem instructed him to, often girls come to seminary because it is the thing to do and not because Israel is the place that will allow us to develop into better versions of ourselves. We are excited to have this opportunity for a year of learning and Chesed in Midreshet Amit, a place where the "lecha" - to yourself- is the main focus.