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Mordechai and Netanyahu: Taking Responsibility

By: Leora Katzman 

Megillat Esther was the last book of the 24 books of Tanach to be entered into the canon. Megillat Esther is also the only book in Tanach that does not once mention Hashem's name.

This lack of direct heavenly involvement in the Megillah is Hashem's final lesson to the Jewish people - it is time for us to learn how to survive on our own. Hashem will obviously always be with us but our relationship with Him will be like that of a parent and child. Even when we  grow up and move away from home, our parents will always be there to guide us, but we will have to take responsibility for our actions and stand on our own.

Mordechai is the quintessential model of this transition from a life of direct heavenly involvement in human activity to a life of independent human endeavor. Mordechai was from Shevet Binyamin, referred to as an "àéù éîéðé". We too have a Binyamin in our day, Binyamin Netanyahu ("Natan Hashem hu" - Hashem gave him to us). Prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu must employ politics to help the Jewish nation just like Mordechai had to do 2500 years ago!  2500 years ago the Jewish people's major threat was Persia and so too today, Netanyahu and the Jewish people face a major threat from Iran, otherwise known as modern day Persia. Very similar to the way Mordechai had to maneuver politically and take a stand when he approached King Achashverosh, Netanyahu must speak to Congress and plead for the cause of the Jewish people and the State of Israel.

Just like yesteryear when ancient Persia threatened to destroy all the Jews, in our day Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu must save us from the modern day Persian threat.