AMIT enables Israel's youth to realize their potential and strengthens Israeli society by educating and nurturing children from diverse backgrounds within a framework of academic excellence, religious values and Zionist ideals.
Founded in 1925, AMIT's Network of schools in Israel includes elementary schools, comprehensive secondary schools, technological high schools, youth villages, yeshivas, ulpanas, and special post-high school programs. The Network provides general and technological education in more than 75 educational sites and programs throughout Israel to its over 20,000 students, 70% of whom come from homes in peripheral areas, living below the poverty line. There are nearly 600 students living in residential homes, who are legal wards of AMIT due to problematic home situations.
The AMIT Network is responsive to the changing educational needs of Israeli society and provides specific programs to meet the needs of specific populations, all within the framework of AMIT's values. AMIT has many students from Ethiopia as well as the Former Soviet Union (FSU). AMIT provides them with extra help in order for them to establish themselves and become productive adults and valued members of Israeli society.
The Network's aim is to turn schools into batei hinuch (centers for values-based education) that instill openness, religious commitment by choice, tolerance and Jewish heritage while nurturing academic excellence in both Judaic and academic studies. AMIT places great importance on nurturing student leadership and the student community, the students' connection to the community and commitment to the State of Israel. This is in order to educate the next Religious Zionist generation - a generation proud of its Jewish heritage and active and involved in Israeli society.
In its 80 years, AMIT has reached hundreds of thousands of youngsters, and made them a part of the tapestry of modern Israel. AMIT has been successful in strengthening our country by raising a new generation of self-reliant and productive young people. Many of AMIT's graduates are today among Israel's hi-tech, science, business and educational professionals and have met their Israeli military obligations. We have watched them overcome serious socioeconomic disparities and join the country's mainstream as productive adults.
At AMIT, we transform these children's lives. Communities all over Israel come to us, because of our record, our reputation, and our standards, requesting that we absorb their schools into our Network, and we do so as much as possible. Parents know that AMIT will give their children the best education, so that their children can become fully participating members of the miracle that is modern Israel.
At AMIT we find the strength in each child, the unique talent that each one has, and we reinforce it. The truth of the saying that nothing succeeds like success can be seen in AMIT children. Once they understand that they can excel, be it in the field of math, science, music, or sports, they become filled with a sense of pride, with a sense of self-worth and self-esteem and with the ability and the desire to accomplish even more.